Welcome to the page of Trivia! This is just for fun, and to also maybe provide fun facts to those who are more unfamiliar with The Legendary Starfy games.
Trivia #2
Shiro’s branding is a “rafter S rail”, where the rafter has a resemblance to a mountain peak; this is mostly an association with Crushed Ice Alpine in Starfy 3.
Trivia #3
Before Wilson, Old Man Lobber was originally the deputy sheriff of Dusttop. However, before Peterson was able to retire and let Old Man Lobber become sheriff, Old Man Lobber was forced to retire anyway due to his much older age. He then took on a more low-energy occupation to continue making money and to supply convenience to travelers. This is why Old Man Lobber is good at warding off thieves and outlaws from his shop.
Trivia #4
Shiro does log-rolling competitions in his free time. He has won every competition he has ever entered. This has caused the log-rolling community to despise him.
Trivia #5
Evil’s irony in being a sheriff while being an outlaw is a truth to how things really were in the West, where people could be sheriffs and outlaws simultaneously. This obviously commonly roused conflict.
Trivia #6
On the front of the Shooting Star Express, the number "6809" references the release date of The Legendary Starfy's fifth installment to the United States, which is June 8th, 2009 (6/8/09). Europeans can't understand this reference.
Trivia #7
Maria is the only member of the Star family that does not wear a star-related article of clothing or accessory. Starfy and Starly have star-shaped lapel pins on their vests, and Peterson wears a belt buckle with a star on it.
Trivia #9
The song Westnote by music/sound artist Waterflame is the sole inspirational catalyst for the entirety of The Star of Sand Ocean. Without this song, this entire project would not exist. I am not exaggerating.
More trivia to come soon!