Yee Haw Heights
Region South Side
Notable Residents None

Yee Haw Heights

Yee Haw Heights is a somewhat large, semi-level area within the Belt Mountains that the Resshi River runs through as a stream. The stream is a place where animals love to congregate for the fresh water, as well as the abundance of fish it provides for those that live in the mountains. Given that, people often go there to hunt animals. But also, besides hunting, people gather there for gold. Yee Haw Heights is a hotspot for prospectors and goldpanners alike, with many people setting up sluice boxes to help sieve the gold from the stream’s sediments.

Some say it might have existed long before the people of the North Side came across the Belt Mountains to the unexplored South Side, but that fact remains unconfirmed.

In The Star of Sand Ocean

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