
Russel Leonas
Full name Russel Leonas
Age 27 years old
Height 5' 7" | 170.1 cm
Weight 133 lbs | 60.3 kg
Accent Light
Occupation Wandering adventurer
Birthplace Glitzembourg
Family None
Affiliates None
ATYHS eligible? Not yet
Status Canon character

Russel is a strange adventurer, wandering the lands of the North and South Side on his own. Much like Hoe and Yoe, he seems to go wherever the wind takes him, never settling to stay in one place for long. This might be evident in the fact that he travels for long hours during the day, and judging by his look, he doesn't want to be bothered often.


Russel has brown spiky hair and black eyes. He wears a black hat, along with a dark coat over a light blue sweater. He also wears black pants with dark brown shoes.

He carries around a brown backpack to hold all his maps.

In The Star of Sand Ocean

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