The Lovely Sisters
The Lovely Sisters (previously known as the Lovely Girls) is a trio of sisters - comprised of Lovely, Lovelove, and Loverin - who work at the Star Shot Saloon as entertainers. What kind of "entertainment" they provide should be a pretty easy guess. They provide company for lonely men passing through the area, or those just looking for a good time. You should know how saloons work.
While the three of them work hard to earn their pay and keep visitors happy, they don't seem to match the popularity of their fellow painted cat, Savako. It's fairly obvious as to why that is, but I'll let you draw your own conclusions.
The three Lovely Sisters look the same aside from the color of their clothes. The term "colored" is to note the difference in color on them: Lovely is purple, Lovelove is green, and Loverin is an orange-yellow.
The Lovely Girls have white shoulder-length hair and black eyes with colored eyeshadow and colored lipstick. They wear a colored corset-styled dress with gold buttons and a large gold pin on their waist. They also wear white heeled shoes.
Lovely has golden bands on her left arm and right wrist. Lovelove has two gold bracelets on her right wrist. Loverin has no bracelets or bands at all.
In The Star of Sand Ocean
More will be written here when story is complete. Spoiler button is programmed for future use.
Full names | Lovely Aoumour Lovelove Aoumour Loverin Aoumour |
Age | 32 years old |
Height | 5' 6" | 167.6 cm |
Weight | 143 lbs | 64.9 kg |
Accent | Light |
Occupation | Saloon girls, Star Shot Saloon |
Birthplace | Dusttop |
Family | Each Other |
Affiliates | Jawjiro (employer) Chutah (coworker) Savako (coworker) |
ATYHS | Not yet |
Status | Canon character (Lovely) Canon character (Lovelove) Canon character (Loverin) |
Aiken | Anju | Aqua | Ballast | Bear | Belle | Besame | Blooming Sun | Bunston | Burako | Chief Great Eel | Chutah | Coral | Devil | Diez | The Dusttop Guttersnipes | Dusty | Eduardo | Enbiraru | Evil | Frozen River | Gachatakkoru | Gerald | Hiro | Hoe | Jawjiro | Jiiyan | John & Jennifer | Junior | K. H. Sonchou | Kamekichi | Kamone | Kanterbaa | Little Dove | The Lovely Sisters | Lumi | Maria | Martin | Mashtooth | Mattel | The Mauzen Kids | Mermaid | Milan | Missy | Modo | Moe | Mogel | Moon | Muga | Nezzie | Octavio | Ogura | Old Man Lobber | Old Man Sam | Old Man Vern | Old Man Yggdrasil | Pakara | Pedro | Pen Baa | Peterson | The Puchi Gang | Rearing Bull | Red Flower | Rosalinda | Ruby | Russel | Sandy | Savako | Shining Dew | Shiro | Soaring Owl | Soft Feather | Starfy | Starly | Strong Horse | Sweety | Taiblond | Tenkai | The Terrible Trio | Torito | Wilson | Wozart | Yoe | Zozobi