
Wilson Goldman
Full name Wilson Goldman
Age 47 years old
Height 5' 10" | 177.8 cm
Weight 170 lbs | 77.1 kg
Accent Heavy
Occupation Deputy Sheriff, Dusttop
Birthplace Dusttop
Family None
Affiliates Peterson (superior)
Missy (steed)
ATYHS eligible? Yes
Status Original characters

Wilson is the deputy sheriff of Dusttop, working alongside Peterson in law enforcing duties. He is a friendly guy with lots of generosity to go around, but he is serious when it comes to the execution and enforcement of the law. He also performs several odd jobs, such as transporting people to out-of-town locations on horse-drawn cart and delivering mail.

Wilson, while he's next in line to be promoted to sheriff after Peterson ultimately retires, he's not sure if he's going to take his position. This is because Peterson wants Starfy to become deputy sheriff, but with the boy's lack of interest in the role - and lack of interest in work period - this seems unlikely to happen.


Wilson has short, faded brown hair and black eyes. He wears a black suit with a red tie along with a white collared shirt. He also wears brown shoes.

In The Star of Sand Ocean

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