Old Man Yggdrasil

Old Man Yggdrasil
Full name Ulysses Yggdrasil
Age 87 years old
Height 6' 2" | 190.5 cm
Weight 193 lbs | 87.5 kg
Accent Moderate
Occupation Owner, Old Yggdrasil Mill
Birthplace Misty Town
Family None
Affiliates None
ATYHS eligible? Not yet
Status Canon character

Old Man Yggdrasil is the owner of Old Yggdrasil Mill. While he's a competent owner and runner of his own business, he complains a lot about his produce being stolen from time to time. He’s responsible for most of the produce on the South Side, those not imported from Bunnera.

Old Yggdrasil is a bit of a mean man to strangers, but is overall a decent guy around friends. He particularly has a grudge against the Puchi Gang, since he knows they're always stealing food out of his storage. He has tried to fend for himself and his mill, but his issues in mobility has severely inhibited him from getting them to stay off his property period.


Old Man Yggdrasil has spiky white hair and a grandiose mustache and goatee, as well as black eyes paired with bushy white eyebrows. He wears a white collared shirt with olive-green pants with suspenders. He is missing his right arm, which is tied at the end by bandages.

In The Star of Sand Ocean

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