
Yoe Oyston
Full name Yolanda "Yoe" Oyston
Age 27 years old
Height 5' 11" | 180.3 cm
Weight 149 lbs | 67.6 kg
Accent Moderate
Occupation Wandering squatter
Birthplace Resshi Lake
Family None
Affiliates Hoe (accomplice)
Status Original character

Yoe is a wanderer and explorer, traveling with Hoe on adventures, primarily in the Belt Mountains. She's spunky, and certainly a force to be reckoned with.

Yoe is incredibly spunky, and certainly a force to be reckoned with. She cracks jokes and pulls people's legs when she gets the chance, rolling her eyes when Hoe has to get her to stop. She knows how to have fun, but she knows nothing about boundaries, nor personal space.


Yoe has dirty blond hair with black eyes. She wears a brown hat with a blue bandana tied to it, a white collared shirt, and brown pants with black lace-up boots.

In The Star of Sand Ocean

More will be written here when story is complete. Spoiler button is programmed for future use.


Aiken | Anju | Aqua | Ballast | Bear | Belle | Besame | Blooming Sun | Bunston | Burako | Chief Great Eel | Chutah | Coral | Devil | Diez | The Dusttop Guttersnipes | Dusty | Eduardo | Enbiraru | Evil | Frozen River | Gachatakkoru | Gerald | Hiro | Hoe | Jawjiro | Jiiyan | John & Jennifer | Junior | K. H. Sonchou | Kamekichi | Kamone | Kanterbaa | Little Dove | The Lovely Sisters | Lumi | Maria | Martin | Mashtooth | Mattel | The Mauzen Kids | Mermaid | Milan | Missy | Modo | Moe | Mogel | Moon | Muga | Nezzie | Octavio | Ogura | Old Man Lobber | Old Man Sam | Old Man Vern | Old Man Yggdrasil | Pakara | Pedro | Pen Baa | Peterson | The Puchi Gang | Rearing Bull | Red Flower | Rosalinda | Ruby | Russel | Sandy | Savako | Shining Dew | Shiro | Soaring Owl | Soft Feather | Starfy | Starly | Strong Horse | Sweety | Taiblond | Tenkai | The Terrible Trio | Torito | Wilson | Wozart | Yoe | Zozobi