
Full name Unknown
Age 40 years old
Height 6' 10" | 164 cm
Weight 210 lbs | 95.3 kg
Accent Light
Occupation Sheriff, Old Town
Birthplace Unknown
Family None
Affiliates Ogura (inferior officer)
Muga (inferior)
Gachatakkoru (inferior)
Devil (steed)
Status Canon character

Evil is the big bad outlaw of Sand Ocean, and, being mostly invisible to the public eye, he makes his inferiors carry out most of the dirty work. He's mean, coldhearted, and ruthless when it comes to the violence people seldom see him carry out. Needless to say, he doesn't believe in "putting one out of their misery".

His relation with Ogura and Muga is almost constantly and horrendously tense, especially in the event that Ogura and Muga fail to do what he tells them to do. They both comply with him out of fear of what he might do to them if they disobey, or fail too many times, for that matter.

In relation to his name, "Evil" is the nickname the people of Old Town gave him due to his intimidating demeanor. No one knows what his actual name is, and perhaps that is for the better.


Evil has navy hair and piercing yellow eyes framed by a dark mask. He wears a faded navy dust coat with a matching hat decorated with a yellow band. He also wears gray pants and dark gray boots. And, being a man of class and no sass, he wears clean white gloves.

For a weapon, Evil wields a Winchester '83 rifle. He even wears an ammunition belt across his body.

In The Star of Sand Ocean

Evil, for the most part, is shrouded in mystery and shadow for the majority of the story. He's seen mostly brooding in the Sheriff's Office of Old Town, giving orders to Ogura and Muga.

More will be written here when story is complete. Spoiler button is programmed for future use.


Aiken | Anju | Aqua | Ballast | Bear | Belle | Besame | Blooming Sun | Bunston | Burako | Chief Great Eel | Chutah | Coral | Devil | Diez | The Dusttop Guttersnipes | Dusty | Eduardo | Enbiraru | Evil | Frozen River | Gachatakkoru | Gerald | Hiro | Hoe | Jawjiro | Jiiyan | John & Jennifer | Junior | K. H. Sonchou | Kamekichi | Kamone | Kanterbaa | Little Dove | The Lovely Sisters | Lumi | Maria | Martin | Mashtooth | Mattel | The Mauzen Kids | Mermaid | Milan | Missy | Modo | Moe | Mogel | Moon | Muga | Nezzie | Octavio | Ogura | Old Man Lobber | Old Man Sam | Old Man Vern | Old Man Yggdrasil | Pakara | Pedro | Pen Baa | Peterson | The Puchi Gang | Rearing Bull | Red Flower | Rosalinda | Ruby | Russel | Sandy | Savako | Shining Dew | Shiro | Soaring Owl | Soft Feather | Starfy | Starly | Strong Horse | Sweety | Taiblond | Tenkai | The Terrible Trio | Torito | Wilson | Wozart | Yoe | Zozobi